Monday, 7 November 2011


I went to my home town to see my family and friends in October. I just enjoyed the time being with them and the food every single day. A holiday is always too short. I always felt I need more time to do what I want to do everytime before I left.

During this trip I have been to some places I have never been when I was still living there. My home town always surprises me! I took many photos. I was glad to take some photos of the nature other than a busy city.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

My visit of Cailler


I visited west of Switzerland for three days. It gave me some wonderful memories. The highlight of this trip was to visit the Maison Cailler. Cailler is the oldest chocolate factory in Switzerland. I first watched the Cailler Show. It showed the history of the chocolate factory. Then they served some fresh chocolate of all kind to let the visitors having degustation. I ate a lot of different kinds of chocolate at once! The whole inner building is full of chocolate aroma. I went to their cafe and had the best of hot chocolate! At the end I bought some chocolate before I left.

Ich habe drei Tage lang die Westschweiz besucht. Es war einfach herrlich. Der Höhepunkt war für mich im "Maison Cailler". Cailler ist die älteste Schokoladenfabrik der Schweiz. Ich habe zuerst die Cailler Show angeschaut, welche die Geschichte über die Fabrik zeigt. Danach durfte ich noch Schokolade degustieren. Ich habe viele köstliche Schokoladen gegessen! Das ganze Gebäudeinneres ist voller Schokoladenaroma. Ich wollte nicht mehr gehen! Zum Schluss habe ich im Cailler Cafe die beste heisse Schokolade getrunken. Selbstverständlich habe ich noch Schokolade gekauft. Es war ein wunderschöner Tag!

My first customer

My hair stylist always has sense of humor. I can just talk to her easily. I went to get a haircut a month ago. Then I told her about I've been selling jewelry. She became excited and asked me to show them to her. She picked these two bangles and paid me more than the amout I've priced. She said my jewelry is one of a kind and it's worth more! Wow! She made my day! She's actually my first customer since I've opened my shop on Etsy.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Hiking - 11.09.2011

I took the cable from Wasserauen to Ebenalp which is 1644 meter above sea level. Then I walked a long zig-zag path up to Schäfler. I felt a little dizzy when I looked down the foot of the mountain. The summit of Schäfler is 1924 meter above sea level. I picnicked on the summit and enjoyed the marvelous panorama view.

I don't know since when I have fear to walk downhill. Sometimes I feel I need much more energy to walk downhill then uphill!

Monday, 22 August 2011

Cristal Cave in Kobelwald

This cristal cave was found in 1682 by a hunter.  I was fascinated by the calcite crystals, stalactites and stalagmites, rushing water and the acoustics and lighting. The temperature in the cave is 8.5°C all year round. Besides it's a beautiful area for hiking. I didn't go hiking because it was too hot last Sunday. Can you believe it's over 30°C?!?!

Then I went for a walk along the Lake Constance and I found these sweet young Swans. What a lucky day!

Monday, 15 August 2011


I saw some yellow ladybugs in a garden last Saturday. This kind of ladybug is called 22-apot Ladybird and about 3mm long. Though they're tiny, they're beautiful! They can also protect themselves by playing dead. These tiny creatures will resume its normal activities when the threat of danger has passed. How clever they are! Besides ladybug is a beneficial insect because they eat aphids and most pests. I am just amazed to know that some of them even hibernate.

I am very lucky to live in close touch with nature now. It just helps me to leave my mind in peace.

Ich habe letzten Samstag ein Paar gelbe Marienkäfer in einem Garten gesehen. Diese Käfer heißen "Zweiundzwanzigpunkt-Marienkäfer". Er ist ungefähr 3 mm lang. Obwohl er so klein ist, ist er wunderschön! Er stellt sich tot, um sich vor Feinde zu schützen. Wenn es keine Gefährdung gibt, erlangt er wieder zu normaler Aktivität. Wie schlau ist dieses klitzekleine Lebewesen! Der Marienkäfer ist ein nützliches Insekt, weil er Blattläuse und die meisten Schädlinge frisst. Ich bin begeistert, dass er noch Winterschlaf hält. Manche Käfer können über ein Jahr leben.
Ich habe Glück, dass ich viel mehr Kontakt mit der Natur habe als vorher. Es hilft mir, meinen inneren Frieden zu finden.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

My day with two dogs

I went to visit my friends yesterday. Their dogs greeted me with enthusiasm once the door was opened. They're Newfoundlander and Labrador. They jumped and easily put their front paws on my shoulders. I know them well enough to expect those sweet gesture. They are absolutely the sweetest dogs I have ever met. I catched a cold the day before I met them. I felt so much better after spending a day with my friends. Sometimes I am envy them their straightforward enthusiasm.

Ich habe gestern meinen Kollegen besucht. Als ich die Haustüre aufgemacht habe, haben zwei enthusiastische Hunde mich begrüsst. Je ein Neufundländer und ein Labrador. Sie sind beide mit ihren Vorderpfoten auf meine Schultern gesprungen. Ich konnte schon vorher erahnen, dass sie eine solche nette Geste machen würden, denn ich kenne sie gut. Sie sind einfach die süßesten Hunde, die ich kenne. Ich habe mich vor ein Paar Tage erkältet. Nachdem ich sie getroffen habe, geht es mir viel besser. Manchmal beneide ich sie um ihre direkte und unkomplizierte Gefühlsregung.

Monday, 8 August 2011


I know many people don't like Monday. Actually sometimes I feel the other way round. I recently feel a new week comes with new energy. I like this unique bangle very much and I made it on Monday!

Vielen Leuten gefällt der Montag nicht. Bei mir ist es allerdings umgekehrt. Für mich bedeutet eine neue Woche, neue Energie. Am MONTAG habe ich einige neue, einzigartige Kreationen am Montag gemacht!

Friday, 5 August 2011


I'm recently in a mood for making earrings. It's so much fun to experiment different techniques and materials I've never used before.

I heard from a friend that she can never go out without wearing earrings. She had to buy a new pair when she's forgotton to put on her own earrings. I always wonder if other people have the same in need of jewelry.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

National Day

1st August is the National Day here. My husband and I have been to Germany for a day trip. We went to a park with over 200 monkeys inside. I fed them the very first time in my life. They're so funny and cute. Some of them just sit around all day and wait for people feeding them popcorn.

We saw many beautiful white storks around the park. White storks are gregarious birds and their wingspan is 195 cm – 215 cm. They breed in open farmland areas with access to marshy wetlands, building a large stick nest in trees, on buildings, or on purpose-built man-made platforms. Each nest is 1–2 m in depth, 0.8–1.5 m in diameter, and 60–250 kg in weight which can be very heavy. They often nest close to human habitation. The nest is typically used year after year. 

Then we went to a Museum at Lake Constance. It shows the farmers, fishermen and the brass founders of the Stone Age 6000 years ago, and be a witness to the lifestyle of the Bronze Age 3000 years ago. It's so interesting. The landscape of the surrounding is gorgeous!


I enjoy making unique jewelry because we're unique. We just have to brave and creative to be different.

Sometimes my head is full of new ideas. Sometimes I am stuck. I think it's one of my learning processes.

Friday, 29 July 2011


 I received a big parcel from my brother. It wasn't a surprised since I asked him to send me something by post. There's a surprised inside the parcel though. My old friend, Garfield was there! My brother brought him to visit me when I was a teenager after having a surgery in a hospital.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

making jewelry

I started to to make jewelry 10 years ago. I visited a friend one day. She has got another visitor coincidently. She's showing my friend some simple techniques to make a bracelet. I knew I love it! Then I bought more and more beads and tools. Some of my jewelry were sold in a couple of shops. It's such a wonderful feeling when I found that someone like my creations. Here's my newest one!

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

First blog

It's my very first time to write my own blog. I live far away from my family and I miss them sometimes. I learn how to let them know I care about them. It's not easy in this busy world. I've learnt so many things after moving to another continent. I still have so many things I don't understand and I am searching answer every single day. I believe it's one of the places for me to search answer.